• +86-577-62605321
  • andy.xu@tycotiu.com
  • Block1, BoTongHuiGu industrial Park,Yueqing, Zhejiang, China


Parameter analysis and selection of surge protector

Parameter analysis and selection of surge protector

In daily life and work, electrical systems may be affected by transient overvoltage, which brings potential damage to equipment. To protect against these risks, it is essential to choose a surge protector with superior performance. The type selection

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Lightning protection of low-voltage power distribution system in buildings

Lightning protection of low-voltage power distribution system in buildings

The main power distribution cabinet of the building is installed with a Class I power SPD as the first-level lightning protection of the power line.

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Surge protection devices for industrial applications

Surge protection devices for industrial applications

TYCOTIU’s full range of surge protective devices provides solutions which can provide a stable electrical environment and virtually eliminate the losses caused by electrical overvoltage events.

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Surge protection for photovoltaic systems

Surge protection for photovoltaic systems

PV systems have unique characteristics, which therefore require the use of SPDs that are specifically designed for PV systems.

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